iMerchant Pro entered the market focused on integration with various Point of Sale systems. This primarily meant their typical client was a larger business, that would require the need for a POS system.
With the launch and availability of the smart phone market iMerchant has been one of the most aggressive processors at creating mobile applications for small business owners to begin taking credit cards through their phones.
They have competitive rates for most merchants and the monthly fees are reasonable. However we advise all merchants to enable the signature option if they use the mobile application as without it your charges/rates will downgrade and merchants will find they are paying far more than they believed they would.
Note: Before you get started here is a final piece of advice from our co-founder Robert Evans on the importance of calling a merchant service provider and avoiding the temptation to ask for rates and quotes through email alone. Why You Should Always Call

Stay or Switch from To Another Merchant Service?
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